What We're Up To: February 2023

We always have a lot going on at Peregrine Coast Press. Read more about what we’ve been up to over the past month.

What We're Up To: February 2023

Hey y’all! It’s February!

We’re so excited for this news month (and to be writing this update) because January was jam-packed and we have so many cool things on the horizon.

First, we want to say we very much appreciate the support of the community. It’s been incredible seeing our community on Discord grow and seeing support of our work out in the wild — which has been happening quite a bit recently.

And now, we’re onto the good stuff!

Filmmakers Without Cameras 3/The Trilogy

Have you heard the great news? Filmmakers Without Cameras is finally out! Currently, you can purchase a digital download through Itch.io (available instantly) and preorder a physical edition through our shop.

Now that the digital edition is done, we are going to be working with our printer to finalise the files and then get the printing press rolling! There’s about a 2-3 week lead time on print jobs, so we should have copies in March. Once we have them, the wonderful Hugh will fulfill your orders!

We’re jazzed about how it turned out and hope you are, too. We always love to hear from y’all about our projects and this is no exception. Feel free to drop us a line, send us a tweet, or leave a comment about Filmmakers Without Cameras: The Trilogy on the Itch page.

Peregrine Pocketbooks

We asked for submissions and y’all delivered. We received 70+ submissions on a wide range of film, games, and TV related topics. Now, our task is to review each of them and make a decision. We don’t take this lightly — it’s a hard process and often incredibly difficult on the editorial side.

We’re expecting to make a decision about the proposal we’d like to pursue by the end of February. Once decided, we’ll make an announcement and celebrate!

Right now, though, we want to express our gratitude. When we thought up “Peregrine Pocketbooks” and sent out our call for proposals, we thought we’d get 25 proposals max. Imagine my surprise when my inbox just kept filling up!

That said, keep an eye out for the news in the coming months.

Peregrine Post

This week we are sending out the final postcard in our Iconic 80s Horror collection featuring illustrations by Megan Dobbyn and writing from me.

This project has been so fun for us and we’re excited for it to continue. We haven’t decided on a theme for the next collection (which will begin in March), but we do know you’ll love it.

Also, per the results from the community survey we sent out last month, our Post subscription will be changing slightly. Instead of a 4-postcard collection with one released each month, we’re moving to a collection with 3 postcards and an old-school newsletter.

We just love print media and honestly the idea of a paper newsletter is so exciting!! Expect the newsletter to also be themed around the collection’s themes and feature exclusive interviews with creators, short writing from the Press’s members, and some product highlights.

If you have yet to subscribe and would like to join the fun, get a month free to try it out. If you like it, subscribe!

P.S. In our community survey we had quite a few Americans mention that they haven’t subscribed because they are worried about shipping costs (and as someone who lives in the US, I totally understand), but fear not! The shipping cost for Peregrine Coast is built into the subscription price. There’s no additional fees and if you’re outside of the UK the only thing you have to contend with is exchange rates.

Community Survey

Speaking of the community survey… big, big thanks to everyone who took the time to fill it out! We really appreciate it. It’s already been so helpful.

Over the next couple of weeks, I’ll work on analyzing the data further and then share it publicly. Stay tuned for that.

Upcoming Creator Feature

We have our next two creator features in the works.

February’s feature will be about Emiel, creator of Electrum Archive, which just funded its second issue. The interview is in hand and truthfully I haven’t been this excited to write something in a while!

For March’s creator feature, we’ll be chatting with Iko of The Lost Bay. I worked with Iko on his piece for Filmmakers Without Cameras 3/The Trilogy, so I’m looking forward to having a conversation about his work.

It’s been so illuminating to talk with these creators and learn more about the creative process. Whether you’re a writer, an artist, or something else entirely, there’s been so much wisdom in the words of these creators.


Come hang out with us at WASD in London in March! It will be a fun, exciting time to hang out with folks from the Press (except for me, because I live in South Carolina) and be excited about video games.

Well, that’s all for this issue of What We’re Up To. We have some other things on the horizon, but they are top secret and we’ll announce them when we can.

Until next time,


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Jamie Larson

Roll With It Ltd., trading as Peregrine Coast Press.