Marching on Together

It's been a while! Things have been real busy over in PCP Towers (new towers, too! but more on that later).

Let's get right into it because there's a lot of ground to cover!

Milk Bar Alpha is out!

Chris Air and I have been bashing away at the Milk Bar document together for a couple of months now, and back in January we launched the first Alpha version of the game. It contains all the basics: travel, combat, healing, Milk Bar facilities, and some random encounters for you to get through.

Milk Bar: sci-fi roleplaying in post-Soviet Poland
After Ameripol pushed too hard, cut too many corners, and ignored one-too-many warning lights, The Belt was shorn in half and their sick experiments flooded our farmland and destroyed our city. The majority of people left. Sadly for you, the first thing you got taught in Communard school was that jumping ship and hopin

I'm really proud of what's there already, and we've been spending the time since playtesting the game and working on filling out the setting. The most special part of Milk Bar is Gmina Bełchatów and the Zone which surrounds it, so we're putting a lot of work into producing something that's immediately playable.

I'm not happy with how long Milk Bar has taken me and the huge delays we've come up against, but I hope that the Alpha shows that the game's direction has solidified and changed, slightly, for the better. What's here is way more exciting to me than it was when I first prepared the Kickstarter!

New Peregrine Coast Studio

It feels like not too long ago we moved into a studio–in February, we moved again!

Back in December we had a mahoosive influx of fulfilment work and had to stuff 18 bags of mail into our tiny cubicle. With Milk Bar and Johnson Squared on the way, I knew it was time for an upgrade. This place is a loooot bigger and a looot cheaper (score!) so it's already given us plenty of scope to grow into. To celebrate, we've already been on a purchasing spree to fill up our new shelves. Check out our new selection:

Peregrine Coast Press imports to the UK and sells indie RPGs, accessories, and games from international creators.

Sin Eater

Back in July of last year, Anica Cihla approached me to do some layout for a game they were working on called Sin Eater. Edited by Alex Teplitz and with art by Johan Nohr, I knew it was a killer opportunity.

Well, some huge news: Sin Eater is being published by Hunters Entertainment (Alice in Chains, Kids on Bikes) and heading to Kickstarter in May! I'm incredibly proud of the design work I've done here and having something be published is even neater. You can sign up to the prelaunch page to be notified when it goes live here:

Johnson Squared

Back in November we took part in Tuesday Knight Games' Mothership Month and crwodfunded Johnson Squared, a farcical whodunit murder mystery module for Mothership. Written by PCP OGs Samuel T. McNally and Joshua Luke Cable, Johnson Squared was the most successful crowdfunder we'd done to date.

The book is in its penultimate editing round and has already started layout. We're on track for April fulfilment and can't wait to get it out into folks' hands.


On a personal note, I tried going on holiday earlier this month. It would have been the first time I'd left the UK in almost five years since the pandemic started. The plan was amazing: to travel all the way from Leeds to Budapest by train only, passing through London, Brussels, Vienna, and finishing in Budapest to see some friends. On the way back, Zach Cox (SoulMuppet) and I were planning on going to London Book Fair for a few days to touch paper and talk to printers and so on. The outward journey was great–those cities are all gorgeous and I managed to meet Alex, the host of Wait, Roll That Again! in Vienna for dinner and a pint. I caught some kind of chest infection in Vienna though, and have spent the last week and a half with my lungs turning inside out. I'm not sure how I made it back in one piece tbh, and I guess that's what I get for trying to take some time off.

Well, that was a big whistlestop tour of everything that's been happening since the start of the new year. I'd love to dive in a bit deeper to all of these at some point, but time is short and the path towards making PCP reliably self-sufficient continues! I'd love to do a humble Kickstarter for a reprint of Transmission For Them this year as a bit of an easy win, but we'll see how we get on.

As ever, always happy to field questions and have a chat over at or in our Discord server over at:

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Jamie Larson

Roll With It Ltd., trading as Peregrine Coast Press.