Peregrine Pocketbooks: Submit your proposal by Jan 31, 2023!

Learn more about submitting a proposal for Peregrine Pocketbooks, a series of books that take a closer look at some of our favorite films, books, games, and TV shows.

Peregrine Pocketbooks: Submit your proposal by Jan 31, 2023!

Call for Proposals: Peregrine Pocketbooks

Supported by the Peregrine Coast Press Creator Fund

Proposal Submission Deadline: January 31, 2023

What is Peregrine Pocketbooks?

Supported by the Creator Fund*, Peregrine Pocketbooks is a series of books that take a closer look at some of our favorite films, books, games, and TV shows. With this series, we aim to take the insight and passion from Filmmakers Without Cameras and use it to produce quality, insightful publications from a variety of writers.

*£1 from every sale in the Peregrine Coast Press shop goes to our Creator Fund, our way to highlight historically marginalized and underrepresented voices in media writing and tabletop game design.

Can you tell me more about the books?

As per the name, our “pocketbooks” are meant to be on the shorter side, so this is not the place to whip out your 100,000 word masterpiece! Coming in at around 20,000 words (50 pages), these nonfiction books will make an impact with brevity.

Peregrine Coast Press will publish a limited run of the books (75-100 copies), with the option to increase copies if needed. Also — we’re a real publisher! Books will have an ISBN.

Why should I publish with Peregrine Coast Press?

Our in-house team is able to help through the publication process from writing to editing to typesetting to design to fulfullment and retail! We’re with you every step of the way because we believe in you and the words you have to share. To support our creators, the selected writer will receive:

  • £150 advance
  • 50/50 split on royalties from sales

Working with a small press has its benefits — you’ll receive individualized attention from our team and get to work one-on-one with our Words Lead on perfecting your manuscript for print.

Proposal Guidelines

Think of a Peregrine Pocketbook like a long film or games essay – a book-length one — or an incredibly fun dissertation on media.

Each proposal should contain the following:

  • 250-400 word “pitch” about your idea detailing the main points of your work and the importance of the topic for the wider community
  • 250-400 word creator statement sharing why you are the best person to write about this topic AND a short bio
  • List of media you plan to mention in your manuscript
  • 3 relevant writing samples (links, PDF versions, or plain copy is fine and clips do not have to be published)

Please compile all information into one document (PDF, .docx, or .gdoc are preferred) and send to with the subject “[Peregrine Pocketbooks] PROPOSAL TITLE.”

All proposals must be submitted by January 31, 2023. Writers will be notified of the status of their proposal in February 2023.

Email Sydney ( with any questions.

Questions You May Have

What if I’ve never published anything?

That’s totally fine! As long as you have a good idea and writing samples, we’ll consider your proposal.

Can I write about...?

Probably! Whether you’re using your 20,000 words to discuss death, suburbia, and nature in The Virgin Suicides (which is what I would do) or a treatise on the impact of The L Word on the lesbian community, you’re in the clear.

We want you to be creative and think outside the box (as cliche as that is!) when considering your proposal.

I’ve never written 20,000 words before and I’m not sure I’ll be able to.

Anyone can write 20,000 words, really. Our Words Lead will help you take your proposal to an outline to a manuscript and is there to help you with whatever. 20,000 words isn’t so much when you break it up, so really, don’t worry about the length!

Can I submit a proposal for a completed manuscript?

We don’t allow submissions of complete manuscripts and we’d prefer to work with writers on new projects.

Can part of my proposal be previously published work? Can my proposal be an expansion of writing I’ve already done?

Sometimes you have an idea and you write 1,200 words about it and then you realize that you could also write 20,000. It happens. If you’re interested in expanding an article or essay you’ve already written, that’s fine, but please let us know in the proposal (and definitely share the essay as one of your writing samples).

Is there anything that can’t be in my proposal?

We shouldn’t have to say it, but absolutely no racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, or xenophobia. Also, refrain from capitalist propaganda...and we’re not fans of fascism.

How do I know y’all are the real deal?

We’ve successfully published other things, like the Filmmakers Without Cameras series, Transmission for Them, and Unexplained Scotland. We also work with a number of independent creators on the fulfillment, distribution, and retailing of their projects.

Our in-house layout designer, Eryk, has tons of experience typesetting, designing layouts, and making everything look stunning — just take a look at FWC!

Meg, our resident artist, has contributed wonderful works to many of our projects, including Filmmakers Without Cameras and also does the art for Peregrine Post, our postcard subscription.

Marketer Harry is killing it with social media and online storytelling through our many different platforms — and will definitely work with you on the best marketing plan for your work.

Hugh takes care of fulfillment and distribution — and literally keeps our shop running and the rest of us accountable for things like inventory, realistic shipping deadlines, and the logistics of expanding our shop.

Sydney, the Words Lead, is editing Filmmakers Without Cameras 3, has been the editor of three different magazines, and has also published her own writing online and in print.

And...we even have an accountant! Dani does all the numbers for us so the Press stays afloat and remains compliant with any financial things (that the rest of us don’t always understand).

There’s six people behind Peregrine Coast Press whose different roles will all help you. Trust us. We’re real.

What is Peregrine Coast Press?

Peregrine Coast Press is an independent publishing co-op. Publisher of the popular Filmmakers Without Cameras magazine, the press has its focus on media writing, arts & culture publishing, and TTRPGs. Learn more about the Press by reading our Manifesto.

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Jamie Larson

Roll With It Ltd., trading as Peregrine Coast Press.