November Update

November Update

Hey folks! It's been a while since we chatted last. Here's what we've been up to:


We missed the sign up period for ThoughtBubble and wrote it off as a loss, but after a bit of a hail-mary email, we ended up getting a last-minute stall. That means you'll get to see me (Eryk), Hugh, and Meg at ThoughtBubble this weekend!!

We've hugely expanded what we have on show; we'll be taking over 35 titles split across TTRPGs, books, zines, and prints, repping the flourishing independent publishing scene. We'll have stickers and deals up for grabs at the stall so do come and say hi. We'll give anyone reading this a good discount on anything you buy.

Look out for this banner!

We'll also be at Dragonmeet on December 3rd, so if any of you find London easier to get to, you'll get your chance there too.

Filmmakers Without Cameras

The exciting stuff aside, I have some slightly less-exciting news. We've made the decision to delay Filmmakers Without Cameras until the New Year. We were planning on getting it through your doors before Christmas but a bunch of life events mean that that's pretty unlikely now.

Most of our articles are fully finished and our art is in. All that's left is the layout, so the delay is mostly on me! I'm having to unexpectedly move house later this month, I applied for a PhD (and got shortlisted for it! though I ultimately decided to withdraw my application), my partner is starting a new job, and she graduated and had her birthday earlier last week. All of these, plus ThoughtBubble and Dragonmeet and a part-time job, mean I'd rather not stress myself out with meeting the Filmmakers deadline.

The Trilogy is a hefty piece of work and I'd rather take my time, though I'm looking forward to getting it into your hands.

Peregrine Post

If you're subscribed to Peregrine Post you'll have already received Month 1 of your postcards - an illustrated print of Beetlejuice by Megan Dobbyn, featuring words by our Words Lead, Sydney Bollinger.

They look ace, and Syd's one of my favourite writers around right now. They're a little thinner than we liked, so this month's Rocky Horror Picture Show postcards will be thicker. They're going to print next week so those of you who haven't signed up yet can do so before we send them out.

Shop Update

In the future, all of our shop updates will come through in a separate newsletter that folks can subscribe to/unsubscribe from. For the time being: we've updated our shop! It's a lot nicer to look at now and I spent some time re-organising everything to make it more searchable.

Use the discount code "welcome" or the link below to claim 10% off your next order as a little celebratory treat - and for getting to the end of this newsletter 😉

Peregrine Coast Press
Publishing analogue media for digital folks

That's all from us for now!

Stay safe,


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Jamie Larson

Roll With It Ltd., trading as Peregrine Coast Press.