What We're Up To: January 2023

Peregrine Coast Press is off to a great start in the new year. Read for an update about Filmmakers Without Cameras and other projects we have been working on.

What We're Up To: January 2023

Hi all!

I hope everyone enjoyed the winter holidays and is having a great start to the new year!

Filmmakers Without Cameras: The Trilogy

After taking about two weeks off to rest from the busy year we’d had, we’re all back and working diligently to finish up Filmmakers Without Cameras: The Trilogy and have it ready for release at the end of January.

From October to December, I worked with our writers on finalizing their articles for print — and I can’t wait for y’all to read them! We’ve got articles on Unpacking, secret bases in Pokemon, The Sims, and so so many other fun things.

Currently, Eryk is working on finishing up the layout (which looks fab) and then we’ll be sending out ARCs (advanced reader copies) to reviewers, scheduling printing, and finally sending them out to all of you!

We’ll keep you posted as we approach a confirmed publication date, but know that it’s coming soon.

What else have we been doing?

Peregrine Pocketbooks

If you follow us, you’ve probably seen us post about Peregrine Pocketbooks, our new publishing initiative. So far, we’ve received 12+ excellent proposals. If you’re thinking about it, there’s still time to submit your proposal. The deadline is January 31st!

Peregrine Post

Some of you are familiar with Peregrine Post, our postcard subscription, where we send you a postcard with original artwork by Megan Dobbyn and a short message from me every month. We’ve had a great response to this & you can still sign up! Our next postcard, themed around The Lost Boys will be sent out later this month, so sign up if you’re interested in receiving one.

Fulfillment & Distribution

Hugh has been hard at work — in 2022, we shipped 2,941 packages to 47 countries. Check out his fulfillment update & review for more information on what we’ve done and where we’re headed.

Super Secret Projects

Our team is working on some cool things that we can’t talk about quite yet — about 10+ projects the last time we checked. So keep an eye out for what’s next!

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Jamie Larson

Roll With It Ltd., trading as Peregrine Coast Press.